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Writer's pictureThe Teal Cat

Early Peek At The Game - Player Interface

Hello there!

This time I would like to present an early design for the player interface.

Let's talk about the stuff that will be displayed at the top of the screen throughout the game. Starting from the Left side the first item is currency!

In Ismandor (Prime Material Plane of Ringworld... basically the main planet) there are a few economic areas that use different currencies, but the most commonly accepted is a Sindhusian system consisting of Kois and Shas (like Pounds and Pences, or Dollars and Cents). 1 Koi is 100 Shas and 100 Shas is 1 Koi.

Next one is our Fame system, which consists of Reputation points and Infamy points. The NPCs in the game will respond differently to a famous hero with a lot of reputation than to a dashing rouge or assassin with a lot of infamy points. Keep an eye on your infamy though, if you enter a town or city while having a high count the guards might arrest or even attack you!

Following that we have the main buttons we will be using: the settings, mute, quest, map, character screen and inventory buttons despite having simple jobs play an important part of the interface.

Attributes! With a symbol of Egyptian ankh we can keep track on our faith points which will play a prominent role for all you Mystics, Spiritists, Druids and Priests heroes out there. Next are the Health, Mana and Stamina bars of our hero and then the Sanity points.

The sanity points are quite important for all characters, because when they drop to 0 your hero will take mental damage and go a bit crazey. Things that can affect your sanity points negatively are some monsters, deities, items or even in-story situations. You can recover sanity points by consuming a potion, praying to your deity, meditating or through in-story situations.

Alrighty, the last one is the actions button. By pressing this button you can choose one of many options such as Pray, Meditate, Use Skill, Use Item, Cast a Spell, Look Around etc. The contents of the list depend heavily on the situation you're in and your surroundings.

Please keep in mind that this is only a conceptual design at this point and not a final piece. Let me know guys what you think!

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